The best way of getting around Bai Chay and Hong Gai is by foot. If you prefer, check with your hotel for bicycle rentals. A bicycle shouldn't set you back more than 10,000-15,000 dong per day (about US$1). Ferries connect Hong Gai and Bai Chay continuously during the daylight hours. The real attraction of the area is the bay itself, so a boat is a necessity. If you're traveling independently, you'll find a slew of private operators along the docks in Bai Chay. Bargain hard. You shouldn't pay more than US$8-$10 an hour, less if the skipper has hustled a few other indies aboard. Return to Halong Bay Traveler's GuideHome | This Month's Adventure | Travel Deals | Hotel Guide | Destinations | Getting There | Language & Culture | Contact Us©1997-2006 Multimedia By Design Inc. All Rights Reserved. |